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Full Moon in Virgo 2022 Horoscopes

Mar 15, 2022

The Full Moon in Virgo is exact at 2:17 AM CT on Friday, March 18. 

I started writing these horoscopes in a disheveled state— in bed with a slight hangover from a little bit too much wine last night while wearing a sweatsuit for the second day in a row. 

At one time I would have never told you this because I felt like it was important for me to present myself as a spiritually pure person. And spiritually pure people don’t have little hangovers on Monday mornings. But I do, and for me personally it is not an issue in my life. It’s not a weekly or a monthly thing or even quarterly thing. It’s something that just happens. 

The Full Moon in Virgo is the annual spring cleaning Moon. It’s time to remove the dust bunnies that built up in the corners over the winter and pick up the rotting banana peel from under the couch. It’s a time for removing impurities in order to welcome in what is new and fresh when the Sun enters Aries and we begin the Zodiacal year. 

The most important thing to clear out is the voice that is nitpicking at your perceived flaws. 

During Pisces season we often desire clarity but find it hard to come by. When we can’t find the clarity we want we often resort to thinking that is some personal failing of others and not the Universe’s way of saying: Slow down and listen for a bit. With the Sun in Pisces aligned with Neptune at the end of this season something is coming to completion but we might not be sure what it is. 

In these moments of death and renewal we don’t know what to do with ourselves. We purify, we purge, we clear out the cobwebs—and that’s all well and good and wonderful. 

But we are also not on this planet to be perfect. We are not on this planet to measure up to a golden standard. We are not on this planet to only eat carrots and never make mistakes and always remember to take the trash out the day it's meant to go. 

We’re on this planet to live. That’s what the Pisces-Virgo axis teaches us. That somehow in this world that makes no sense, that always seems to present problems, that operates as much in reality as it does in the angel number matrix—we are meant to keep going and live our lives. We are meant to be messy. We are meant to be a little foolish sometimes and lose our way. 

It’s all, as you might know, part of the journey. Jupiter, the planet that lives for the grand journey of life is at home in Pisces right now and has been since December 28, 2021. Jupiter is a little more than halfway through this sign and will exit Pisces on May 10, 2022. This Jupiter journey is meant to pull us into our bigger dreams and take on more than we thought possible. But how? With Neptune between Jupiter and the Sun we ask this question over and over again. How do I do this? How do I know this is right? How do I predict what will happen next in such an unpredictable world? 

Mercury is also in Pisces where they are not at home. Mercury in Pisces speaks figuratively, in poems, songs and symbols more than direct messages. If you’ve been receiving messages from the Universe but have no idea how to interpret them you can thank Mercury for that. Be less literal and interpret these messages in the language of dreams. 

Remember that in the language of dreams you are allowed to ask questions of everything. Ask questions of the trees, ask questions of the bunnies, ask questions of the water. Everything is available to respond. 

Nearly every other noteworthy planet is in Aquarius at this Full Moon. Here we find Mars, Venus and Saturn, and when we have planets in signs directly next to each other like this it can create scenarios where we have a hard time seeing someone else’s point of view. In this case someone might want to do something entirely unexpected and challenging. They might want to make a big commitment or investment that makes no sense to someone else. The other person might say, “But what about freedom? What about your dream? Don’t you think this idea sounds like a prison of your own making?” 

And the person with the idea will say, “No, you don’t understand me. This is the perfect solution to the problem that I’ve been having.” 

Deep down they might both feel a little like an outsider. They might both feel a little misunderstood. 

In feeling misunderstood they might tell themselves they need to change this or that about themselves. They need to be less weird, less romantic, less pie in the sky. Maybe. Maybe not. 

As we close this season, ask yourself where your dream of perfection gets in the way of your experience of joy in your life? Where does your clinging to clarity prevent you from receiving the guidance you long for. 

I personally like the way the light hits the cobwebs from time to time, you know?

full moon horoscopes

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Your season is coming to a close but the party isn’t quite over yet. If you went to someplace beautiful or romantic during the last few weeks you could have a hard time detaching from those experiences. While you’re in your own head fantasizing and potentially overthinking, you could be labeled as distracted or accused of not listening. Maybe there is a little bit of truth to it too. As much as you want to feel celebrated you might also want to enjoy your solitude and your own little world. Or maybe you’re in your own little world with someone else, but it’s a secret for now. Just make sure that any commitments you make are in your highest and best interest and not what you feel responsible to give to others. Allow yourself to be held by those who are here to support you. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



Your community is thinking about you and here to help you overcome any challenges you’ve been facing. They are committed to seeing you succeed and it’s never too late to receive their support. Externally you might be trying your best to present yourself as pulled together, when underneath you are overcome with emotion. It’s not that it’s all bad. Some of what is happening is a dream journey, a fulfillment of a vision outside of everyone else’s view. It’s all about getting the day to day tasks done right now, but keep in touch with the dream and allow it to fuel you as you fulfill your responsibilities. Gather your resources and allow yourself to bloom. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



This Full Moon is lighting up your houses of pleasure, friends and entertainment. It might be a welcome reprieve from some of the responsibilities and expectations you’ve been dealing with in your life and a chance to just enjoy the company of the people you love. You might find yourself in a group of people that is a little confusing but still a good time to be around. This could be a place that you travel to or go to learn something. You could also be surrounded by friends and family. One of the tensions that could come up would relate expectations around children or sexuality. This is an opportunity for you to heal the expectations of what you are supposed to give to others and put your boundaries up as necessary. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



At the Full Moon you might have to keep a happy face on to the world but be grieving on your own. You are playing a large role as a parent or leader but you are also unclear how to lead the way and be understood. An institution or a group of people who are working to overcome a challenge are directing the outcome of the situation but you might not feel like they are listening to you. Health might be a very notable part of your home and family life right now with a lack of clarity on next steps. You might enjoy escaping into your own fantasy world through books and writing where you feel more understood. It’s okay to go within yourself at this Full Moon in Virgo and release the immense stream of emotion and intuitive insight that has been flowing through you. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



The answers you seek will not come from outside of you, they will come from within you. At this Full Moon in Virgo you are particularly tapped into the Universe. Your guides and ancestors are here to support you as you expand your wisdom and knowledge. You might be traveling or find yourself in places that are not your normal home. Home is a feeling within you that you are able to tap into at any moment in time. Close your eyes and connect with the Earth who is always here to support you. Connect to the Earth spirits who are always here to nourish you. You might be hiding the strangest and most amazing aspects of yourself from your audience. It’s okay to be sorting something out before presenting to the world but don’t give in to second guessing because you’re worried what other people will think about you. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



We can’t look at what is happening at this Full Moon for you without talking about what is happening in your relationships. The transition this Full Moon brings is not so much about you as it is about the people you have a responsibility to support and how you can help them overcome challenges they might be facing. There are some action steps that you need to take at this Full Moon in order to prepare for the next season of your life. There might also be some expenses required that you weren’t expecting but need to be taken care of in order to initiate this change. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



We all get one Full Moon in our sign each year and this one is yours Virgo. This is not a time for beginning something as much as it is a time for releasing and preparing for what will come your way in the next six months. In order to allow more to enter your life you need to let go of what cannot take space. Take this opportunity to become grounded in yourself and connected to the people who bring you the most joy and pleasure. There is a lot on your plate every day right now but in the flurry of action you are also in a period of incubation and rest. Trust that new beginnings are coming and try to be as patient as you can. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



You are trying to expand in your life but you are not sure how to do it. Trying to figure out the details of this transition is occupying a lot of mental and emotional space. You are very busy creating and managing all of the facets of your work and relationships and also get people to commit to supporting you. Change is happening even if you can’t see the external results quite yet. Trust that the seasons will change, spring will come and you will be on your way. At the Full Moon Virgo try to take some time to rest and recuperate from all that you have done. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



You are called to create something big and in this creation you might see the limitations of your space. Whether you are physically bringing something into the world and don’t have the space you need to nurture it or you are mentally preparing for this new beginning, you have a pretty optimistic outlook on it despite any limitations. It might be that at this Full Moon a challenge you were previously facing is overcome and you receive the abundance you need to provide more space for this new chapter in your life. This might mean there’s going to be a transition in a group of people and how available you can be to them and you might not be sure how to communicate about that yet. Lean into the confusion. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



There is something arising from below the surface at this Full Moon in Virgo and you might feel like putting up a wall around you to tap into the message. This isn’t a dour mood—it’s more that you can have a great time with yourself and be your own best entertainment. Maybe a select few people are invited to the party too. To the outside world it might look a little like you are playing hermit, but you’re just tapping into your internal wisdom. There might be something you feel called to communicate to an audience that is going to ruffle some feathers, but you know that it is something that must be said. At this Full Moon bring the guidance and energy from below so you can keep your flame burning strong through Aries season. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



Over the last four months you have gone through a powerful awakening but you might not feel like you know how to communicate about it with other people. At this Full Moon in Virgo you need to find a quiet place to rest—you really need the rest—with some water. Listen to the messages of the water. Perform your own cleansing. Perform your own baptism. Or simply cry. One side of you wants to become totally absorbed in this energy and another side of you is focusing on the challenges and limitations of your relationships, your finances or work. Allow that to be quiet even if it is just for a moment because there is something you are called to create. You can’t create if you don’t pause to listen. 

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.



Have you been feeling a little defensive lately Aquarius? While you have what you need to overcome any challenges that come your way you might convince yourself that you have no idea what you are doing especially as it relates to money and work. There’s nothing wrong with you and at this Full Moon in Virgo allow yourself to soften and trust that everything is unfolding exactly the way that it is meant to. Tap into the resources that are available to you in your community or within your spiritual community. Allow yourself to be held in this journey and for other people to show their commitment to you as you show your commitment to yourself. This is how the healing happens.

Do you need a message of support and grounding? Book an Earth Ancestor reading.

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